Write Your Story.
Become a Published Author.
Make a Dream Come True.
YOUR STORY published!
Spots are limited to 30 per book.

is looking for aspiring authors for…
Do you have a story of triumph, inspiration, or delight? Even if you’re not sure if it’s “good enough?”

Spots are limited to 30 per book.
Wondering how to get started?
There are two ways to join us as an author for Believe Beyond.
Best Value!
Most Popular!
Ideal if you’re ready for the big-time and want to use your book to really leverage and grow your platform – we’re talking TV, media, and more.

6 Live Author Mentorship Masterclass Sessions: Story Masterclass, Offer Masterclass Speech Masterclass, Soulful Sales Masterclass, Launch Day Masterclass, ROI Masterclass

Launch Day Author Celebration!
Access to Best-Seller Publishing Secrets Program (12 Modules)

Total Value: $15,000
your investment: $4,500
Contributing AUTHOR
Ideal if you have a dream of being a published author, desire the credentials of a published author, but media, speaking + platform interviews are not your thing.
As a CONTRIBUTING Author, you’ll become a published author and get:

Total Value: $6,000
Where else can you publish a book, access a like-minded community, receive business coaching, mindset coaching, get marketing material done for you AND build your audience for this investment?
Spoiler Alert- You can’t get this anywhere else!
Join our #1 International Best-selling Book Series…over 650 authors successfully published…and we want you to be next!
featured authors only – Become a Triple Threat with Our Exclusive Platform + Profit Program!
Join our #1 International Best-selling Book Series…over 650 authors successfully published…and we want you to be next!

If you’re ready to call yourself a published author, finally write your story, AND do it all in a super supportive community of like-minded souls?
I’m so glad you’re here.
It’s your chance to take your shot at finally making a lifelong dream come true – knowing that this is a no-fail path to making it happen!

I am so grateful for you and what you’ve taught me. Before I worked with you, I never imagined in my wildest dreams that I would be a best selling author.

I said “YES” to becoming a co-author. I am now a #1 International Best Seller!

Congratulations Legacy Ladies – #1 International Bestsellers AGAIN!
If you have a story in your heart and deep, powerful wisdom to share – it’s your soul-driven responsibility to share it.
✔ The experience.
✔ The knowledge.
✔ The wisdom.
But what you haven’t given yourself just yet… is the time.
To sit down and take one of your many incredible stories, put it down on paper, craft it into something truly special, and offer it to the world – in a chapter, in a book, as an author.
Today, that all changes.
Because there is no time like the present to put YOU and your dreams first.
We’ve mastered the process for you so it only takes a couple of hours per month to achieve your published author status!
No matter where you’re starting from, if you have…

…You’re in the right place.

But, when it comes to thinking about actually sitting down and starting to write, you get bogged down with thoughts like –
✔ “I am too overwhelmed to write a book!”
✔ “I don’t know where to start!”
✔ “I have no idea how to publish a book!”
✔ “I don’t know how to become a published author.”
✔ “I don’t have a large social media following or list… so will anyone even buy my book?”
The good news is that you don’t have to know all of those things just yet, because I do and I’m going to walk you through all of it!
And, I can tell you from experience: those thoughts are not the voice of truth.
It was something the world really needed to hear.
When you start getting emails from complete strangers across the globe – who are deeply moved and impacted after devouring your chapter – so much so that they reached out to you to tell you “you changed my life!” you’ll look back and think: “Wow, those thoughts were all liars!”
I’m tellin’ ya. I see it EVERY time!
HI, I’M Kate Butler
#1 International + Award-winning Publisher, Author, Speaker and Media Expert.
I’m here to help you become the published author you know you’re meant to be.
If you feel at ALL nervous to put your story out there, just know: it’s simply a sign that you’re on the right path – the path of becoming an author.
I really get it, and I want you to know, you don’t have to do this alone.
Sharing your story and message is a generous gift that only you can give to the world, AND your people are already out there, waiting to hear it from YOU.

But it doesn’t have to take years of procrastination, writers’ block, banging your head against a wall with your own trial and error, OR cost you tens of thousands of dollars to make it happen.
Instead, imagine having the entire published book process laid out for you on a silver platter…

Instead of staring at a blank page, you’ll have your story extracted from you on a private call with a published author, and be guided through the professional editing process for your 2500 word chapter.

Instead of wondering ‘how to publish,’ have the entire publishing process handled for you – from formatting, to ISBN #s, to book covers and copy and more. You just submit your chapter, and we’ll handle the rest!

Instead of wondering how to get folks to buy your book, you’ll be given everything you need to market your book before, during, and after launch day including how to’s, marketing graphics and more!
Spend 6 months with me, and you’ll become a published author, with a beautiful book in your hands, a ton of new co-author besties, and dreamy business opportunities practically falling into your lap!
Spots are limited to 30 per book.
Wondering how it works when you become a co-author of
Believe Beyond?

When you say yes to becoming an author of Believe Beyond, you’ll get…

We’ve truly made this process as easy, supportive, and FUN as it can be.
The world needs your story and your brilliance – let’s unleash it!
Spots are limited to 30 per book.

Wondering why I do this work and how this all came to be?
It starts like most great stories.
It wasn’t until my daughter Bella was 2.5 and my youngest (Livie) was an infant, that something shifted in me.
I would spend every single night tucking them into bed. I’d get them cozy, sit by their bedside, but instead of reading stories – we’d sometimes make up “fairytales” of all the things they could do and create in their lives.
But one day, I realized I was telling them a story that I wasn’t living for myself.
When had I stopped believing in myself?
When had I stopped dreaming?
It all just hit me like a mack truck.
I mean, how could I expect my children to go after their dreams if they never saw me go after mine? If they never even saw me TRY? What was that teaching them?

It brought me to my knees, but it was also the moment that changed my life.
Within a year, I published my first children’s book… and it stayed on the best seller charts for over 100 weeks straight.
Fast forward to today…
However, the opportunity that I cherish the most that being an author created for me was being able to move my family from the U.S. to Europe and live there for 3 months as we traveled to four different countries on our International Book Tour. In fact. We just returned back to the U.S. early this year! In my wildest dreams when I started, I could not have imagined where my author career would take me. I am, however, so grateful I took the leap and began, because it continues to turn out better than I ever could have imagined.

Because my daughters might have been my reason, at first. But as I kept going, I realized: it’s not just about MY daughters.
It’s about you and your daughters too.
If creating a published book and getting your story out to the masses is a dream of yours…
We can make that happen!

And you don’t have to do it or figure it out alone.
✔ After publishing 650+ published authors, we’ve literally “cracked the code” on becoming a bestseller – so there’s no guesswork or trial and error involved.
✔ We use a community-based approach which allows you to not only enjoy the collaborative process but also the tight-knit network of women supporting women.
✔ You won’t have to handle any of the nitty gritty non-creative details that go into creating a bestseller – instead you get to show up and shine – and we’ll do the rest!

“Kate Butler is pure genius. It’s not just her brilliance that shines through, it’s also her heart. Work with her as soon as you can.”

Wow, God is amazing!! International Best selling authors ~ so overwhelming, so grateful! Friends, these stories are going to change lives all over the world!!!

I’m so incredibly grateful for you! I love you so so much! You have changed my life and to feel this: an energy so high, so amazing and to share it with everyone…it was an electrifying high vibe pure utopia!
By this time 6 months from now, you’ll have…

meet our best selling authors!

here’s what you’ll do over our 6 months together:

Here’s what that process will look like for you as an author in Believe Beyond:

Keep in mind:
But here’s what I’ll say :: YOU WILL WANT TO CLEAR YOUR CALENDAR ON LAUNCH DAY. Why? Because it is a 24-hour period where you’ll want to be FREE to be glued to your computer! No clients, no calls, no nothing (or you’ll wish you hadn’t, trust me).
The process is just so fun!
Launch day is the day that you’ll finally get to watch it all come together – like magic –
✔ all the steps you took,
✔ all the words you wrote,
✔ all culminating in this outpouring of support and getting to watch YOUR book climb the bestseller charts!
PLUS, you get to do it with the 29 other amazing authors (and new best friends) you did this with!
You’ll walk away with a book you can proudly display – with your incredible published story – and use to promote your business again and again.
And while a published book might be where we complete our process, the truth is:
The book is just the beginning.

✔ Starting a new brand or vertical
✔ Have an existing business
✔ Or just dream of being an author
We have a place for you in Believe Beyond and we can customize this process to fit your goals, needs, and dreams.
No matter where you begin, with a published book, you’ll be able to finally…

In 6 months time, you could be a published author and kick open opportunities that you’ve only once dreamt of in just 3 hours/month.
✔ Watching our short and sweet modules
✔ Writing your 2500 word chapter
✔ Submitting a headshot
✔ Joining our 6 live calls
✔ Participating in the promotion and launch day
and that’s it!

we’ve genuinely made this as simple and as doable as possible.

Before you even think about it: Yes, we’re the real deal.
So if you’re feeling yourself questioning if this is really right for you, OR, if this is a fraud or bad program that won’t get you results, all you need to do is consider the massive amounts of testimonials.
Hear from our authors. Reach out to them! Ask about their experience.
They’ll tell you all you need to know.
There aren’t a lot of programs out there that deliver on their promises and that does make me sad, but our one biggest differentiating factor is that we deliver on our promises.
Not only will you become a published author, but you’ll do so in the company of a wildly supportive and wonderful group of co-authors.
meet our best selling authors!

I understand that this is not a small investment.
And I don’t just mean financially.
This decision will change your life.
And it’s a decision that speaks to your devotion. Devotion… To your dreams. To your story. To your business. To what it means to be an author, and to be part of a community of successful authors.
What I’d suggest is walking yourself through some of these questions to help you decide if this is really for you!
1. What would it mean to your family, community, and business to become a published author?
2. What’s the cost of your NOT becoming a published author? To your bank account, but also to your soul?
But, if you really want this, here’s the most important question…
What would actually stop you from joining us right now?
Is it fear of putting your story out there?
Is it that you’ve been holding onto this dream and waiting so long to do it, that you just feel afraid of what might happen once it’s realized?
Is it because you know you’ll want to write more books?

Or… is it the investment?
Because, we’ve really worked to make this program as accessible as possible and built in a way to GUARANTEE the result at only $475 per month for our CORE authors.
When you join, you finish.
Think about it this way: If you’re looking to invest at our core author tier, that’s a $4500 investment, so you’d just need to sell 500 books to make a return on investment! That’s very doable.
And let’s consider what your other options are too because we’re more than ready to help you take this book of yours and turn it into a business.
The truth is these new credentials will open up new verticals in your business so you can create new income streams and charge more. As a published author, you’ll have a new advantage you’ve never had before and get opportunities over someone else, IF you know how to position yourself for it – which we will help you do.
You’ll also receive residual income from the book!
If you’re wondering… Am I the right fit?
If you’re asking… Is my story going to be inspiring enough?
How much time am I going to have to dedicate to this?
When are we going to publish?
Our guarantee to you when you join:
You will become a legitimate,
credible, published author.

We’ve never not hit #1 best seller in over 11 years and over 650+ bestselling authors! Our last 12 books have gone #1 in other countries making them #1 International published books.
Please know that these are the results you can expect by working with us.
Okay, I’m ready to secure my author spot! How do I get started?
Spots are limited to 30 per book.
I want you to know… you belong here. Everyone has a book inside of them, some people even have more than one. We created this space and this system to ensure your story could get out into the world and into the hands of those who need it…your people, your people who are waiting for you.
Your story will help, heal and inspire the masses… as long as you are willing to take that first step and say YES.
If not you, who?
If not now, when?
Your time is now, and I promise, I am here to walk you through.
We’ve got you. We get to do this. Let’s go.
All my love,
Kate Butler
To schedule a call, send an email to [email protected] and we’ll do our best to get you on as soon as possible.
meet our best selling authors!